List of schools in India

In this article you will find list of all schools in india. There are total 28 states and 8 union territories in India. Schools in states are mostly administered By state government and schools in union territories are mostly monitored by central governments. School education policies are suggested at national level by the Government of India. Though the state governments have a lot of freedom in implementing those policies and programs.

Schools in India : 35 States

There are total 15,07,708 schools in India. There are Mainly 3 streams in Education system in India.

Cbse schools in india – CBSE i.e Central Board of Secondary Education was basically meant for government employees who used to travel various cities due to their government job because of transfer and other reasons. CBSE is also known as Kendriya Vidyalaya.
Icse schools in india - Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) which was started as a replacement for the Cambridge School Certificate and other international boards and it is monitored by central government
State Board schools in india – State board is monitored by state government.

Let's categorise schools in different types and will see there respective counts.

If we simply categorise schools by area, there are 2.49 lakh schools in Urban Area and 12.58 lakh schools in Rural Area.

If we categorise schools by Management, there are 10,32,570 Government Schools, 84,362 Government Aided Schools, 3,37,499 Private Schools and 53,277 Other Schools. Here you will see the Government schools actually covered 68.5% followed by Private Schools 22.4% followed by Government Aided School 5.6% and then Other Schools with 3.5% out of total schools. On this page, you will find the state wise schools list with the count of schools in there respective states.

If we categorise schools by the Level of Education, there are 1222485 Elementary Schools, 151489 Secondary Schools and 133734 Higher Secondary Schools. So there are 81.1% Elementory Schools, 10.0% Secondary Schools and 8.9% Higher Secondary Schools

If we categorise schools by the School Types, there are 13294 Boys Schools, 28954 Girls Schools and 1465460 Co-Ed Schools. So there are 97.2% Co-Ed Schools, 1.9% Girls Schools and 0.9% Boys Schools

If we categorise schools with both School Types and School Category, there are 13562 Elementary Girls Schools, 7989 Elementary Boys Schools and 1200934 Elementary Co-Ed Schools. Similarly there are 6620 Secondary Girls Schools, 1994 Secondary Boys Schools and 142875 Secondary Co-Ed Schools. Also there are 8772 Higher Secondary Girls Schools, 3311 Higher Secondary Boys Schools and 121651 Higher Secondary Co-Ed Schools.

Click Here to check school statistics in Pie Chart

If you want to learn more about educational system of india you can visit educational portal of government. Which is run and executed by Ministry of education

We have done research and collected all the data of schools in India from government's UDISE Plus portal

We have updated this data as per January 2022 for UDISE portal.

schools in india education level
schools in india management wise
total schools in india

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