GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Primary Upper Primary and Secondary OnlySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 2002
GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Primary Upper Primary and Secondary OnlySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 1986
GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Upper Primary and SecondarySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 1948
GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Upper Primary and SecondarySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 2017
GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Upper Primary and SecondarySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 1967
GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Upper Primary and SecondarySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 2017
GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Upper Primary Secondary and Higher SecondarySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 1954
GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Upper Primary Secondary and Higher SecondarySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 1974
GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Upper Primary Secondary and Higher SecondarySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 1945
GSSS B THEOG, THEOG, SHIMLA, Himachal PradeshBoard - State BoardSchool Category - Upper Primary Secondary and Higher SecondarySchool Type - Co-educationalYear of Establishment - 1987