Address:Suffry A,SONARI,CHARAIDEO,Assam

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Address: Suffry A, SONARI, CHARAIDEO, Assam

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PARIJAT LPS is in cluster Suffry A which is situated in Assam. PARIJAT LPS is Co-educational in type and it is Primary from class to class . PARIJAT LPS is Department of Education and is Dept. Of education. This school comes in Rural area

PARIJAT LPS is in with girls toilet & boys toilet and cwsn toilet. PARIJAT LPS has below facilities like Drinking Water => , Handwash => , Functional Generator => , Library => , Reading Corner => , Book Bank => , Funcational Tablet => , Functional Desktop => , Funcational Laptop => , Functional Scanner => , Functional Printer => , Functional LED => , Functional Digiboard => , Internet => , DTH => , Functional Webcam =>

Basic Details

  • School Name : PARIJAT LPS
  • State : Assam
  • Block : SONARI
  • Village : BORPATHAR
  • School Category : Primary
  • Class From :
  • Class To :
  • State Management : Dept. Of education
  • Status : 0
  • Aff Board Sec :
  • Year of Establishment :
  • UDISE CODE : 18290517406
  • District : CHARAIDEO
  • Cluster : Suffry A
  • PinCode :
  • School Type : Co-educational
  • National Management : Department of Education
  • Location : Rural
  • Aff Board H.Sec. :
  • Pre-Primary :

School Facilities

  • Building Status :
  • No. of Boys Toilets :
  • Drinking Water Availability :
  • Library :
  • Functional Laptop :
  • Functional Scanner :
  • Functional DigiBoard :
  • Functional Web Cam :
  • Boundary Wall :
  • No. of Girls Toilets :
  • Hand Wash Facility :
  • Reading Corner :
  • Functional Desktop :
  • Functional Printer :
  • Internet :
  • No. of CWSN Toilets :
  • Functional Generator :
  • Book Bank :
  • Functional Tablet :
  • Functional LED :
  • DTH :

Room Details

  • Class Rooms :
  • Other Rooms :

Enrolment of The Students

  • Pre-Primary :
  • First :
  • Second :
  • Third :
  • Fourth :
  • Fifth :
  • Sixth :
  • Seventh :
  • Eighth :
  • Nineth :
  • Tenth :
  • eleventh :
  • twelveth :
  • Class(1-12) : 0
  • Class(1-12) With Pre-Primary : 0
  • Total Teachers :

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