LATE LAXMANRAO DANGE KIDS ENGLISH PS RANJANGAON S P is in cluster WALUJ which is situated in Maharashtra. LATE LAXMANRAO DANGE KIDS ENGLISH PS RANJANGAON S P is Co-educational in type and it is Primary with Upper Primary from class 1 to class 8. LATE LAXMANRAO DANGE KIDS ENGLISH PS RANJANGAON S P is 5-Private Unaided (Recognized) and is 27-Self Finance School. This school comes in 1-Rural area
LATE LAXMANRAO DANGE KIDS ENGLISH PS RANJANGAON S P is in 2-Rented with 3 girls toilet & 3 boys toilet and 2 cwsn toilet. LATE LAXMANRAO DANGE KIDS ENGLISH PS RANJANGAON S P has below facilities like Drinking Water => Yes, Handwash => Yes, Functional Generator => 1, Library => 1-Yes, Reading Corner => 1-Yes, Book Bank => 1-Yes, Funcational Tablet => 1, Functional Desktop => 8, Funcational Laptop => 4, Functional Scanner => 1, Functional Printer => 1, Functional LED => 2, Functional Digiboard => 0, Internet => 1-Yes, DTH => 1-Yes, Functional Webcam => 1
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